The Best Son a Mother could have!

Created by Dorothy 9 years ago
My Son Wesley was such a delight with a sense of humor., as he was growing up- He was very happy with a quiet spirit. He loved to draw his favor hero's and flying aircraft with robotic people. One of his favor thing to do is go on outings and trips with his Sister Alexis and family and we went on many as they were growing up. He always had a smile and good time with his sister as they played in the park, and especially when we went up to the mountain to play in the snow.As he grew older he was always very secure and very independent and knew how to take care of his business, very smart and articulate. He loved to read ; he could talk about all things, including the Bible with great knowledge and understanding. He was a quiet and thinking person- but when
he was ready to talk a lot, I was all ears because he had a lot to say. He also loved to create Christian Rap.. along with loving his family, he never forgot to give and acknowledge our special dates and time of year. To me along with remembering us, he had a special place in his heart for his grandmother Francis he never forgot her on Birthday's, Mother's day or Christmas- you could be sure of that. He was so independent, that he wanted to keep his privacy and business to himself
just once and awhile he would share with me or his Sister, after our persistence.
What can I say about a Good Son that never gave me an ounce of trouble- Grew-up hard worker and always Giving and Loving his family and being so responsible. I feel that everyone would love a Son like Wesley. He will be missed with all my heart, Now he's with our Father in Heaven - He will Always have that
Special place in my Heart forever Love Mom Dorothy

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